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The introduction of course --- Discrete Mathematics I

“Discrete Mathematics II” is an important professional basic course for the discipline of Computer Science and Technology in institutions of higher education. It the following course of “Discrete Mathematics I”. As the same as “Discrete Mathematics I”, it is basic for some follow-up courses such as Data Structure, Fundamentals of Compiling, Relational Database, and so on.

The objective of this course is to let students to master the basic concepts and the basic principles of Discrete Mathematics, including groups, rings, fields, graph theory, lattice, Boolean algebra, and so on. The capability of computer-oriented logical thinking and logic abstraction will be obtained through this course, and it will help students to understand the working principle of computers greatly.

Discrete mathematics course in our college is Excellent National Top Course, which has won the 2nd prize of Outstanding Teaching Achievements by Jilin Province, 1st prize of the Excellent Teaching Materials of Province Education Commission in several years. We have published two textbooks, which are classified as regular higher education of '10.5' National Planned Teaching Material, and which also won the 1st prize of excellent textbook for regular institutions of higher education in Jilin province.

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